Physical fitness has proven to be one of the great benefits towards long term good health. Science study, after study states, exercise will give humans a better chance to stay disease and other ailments.
The problem with exercise many people think it means going to a gym regularly, lifting heavy weights, or hours of aerobic exercise to improve their health. Nothing is further from the truth.
Start with one simple exercise you can do from the convenience of your home, try this one.
Isolating muscles makes them stronger and this can be done easily. Start with your arms. You do not need big weights to do this exercise. A 2 pound dumbbell works and if you don’t have a 2 pound dumbbell just grab a can of soup or beans from your kitchen pantry. Sit or stand and extend your arms straight out in front of you (parallel to the floor if you are standing and parallel to your thighs if you are sitting) holding the cans/dumbbells in the position of your palms down. Hold until you feel your muscles growing tired, once your muscles reach fatigue attempt to hold as long as you can and time the seconds you went past muscle fatigue. Drop your arms down and rest them for 10 seconds. Repeat again accept the next time switch your palms from facing down to facing each other. Repeat this series 3 to 5 times at least 3 to 4 times a week.