Make sure you are constantly exercising your hippocampus (the part of your brain associated with decision making and memory).
It is a nightmare when you realize your memory is failing you frequently. Research has concluded that your brain, like any other muscle, needs exercise to perform at its optimal level. Of course, eating right, sleeping, and physical exercise all contribute, but for the hippocampus part of your brain you need to do more.
Learning something new creates new neural pathways and as you repeat things you learn you strengthen your neural pathways. You want your brain to be able to modify and create neural pathways with ease. The more you do with your mind the stronger those neural pathways become.
Start writing with your non-dominant hand and keep doing so until it becomes hard for you to tell the difference between things you wrote with your dominant hand and things you wrote with your non-dominant hand. You will be surprised at what just a few minutes a day of this exercise will do, and you can actually measure the progress from day-to-day and month-to-month.
We live in a world of technology and our mobile phones have made it unnecessary to remember friends and family phone numbers. Memorizing those phone numbers is another great way to build new neural pathways. Just say their phone number each time before you hit the call button on your mobile phone. Don’t be in such a hurry to just hit the call button. If you use the Siri or Google Assist don’t say the person’s name say their phone number instead.
Colorado State University Columbine Health Systems Center For Healthy Aging: How To Rewrite Your Brain, Grace Weintrob, May 31, 2022
Last Viewed: 20240105
Growth Engineering: 10 Ways To Improve Your Hippocampus function, Harry Cloke, July 11, 2022
Last Viewed: 20240105