Stress is a major enemy of your mind and body. Any health issue you are facing is increased when you are stressed. Stress can be unnoticed in day-to-day life. It can sneak up on you and you may not realize you are suffering from heavy stress. You may go through your life thinking you are able to handle the hectic pace of your life and the problems that come in, but if you are showing signs of chronic illnesses or pains you are probably under more stress than you realize. Stress affects all your internal organs because it effects your hormones. Optimal health has every hormone staying steady at the proper level. However, when stress is introduced to your body, hormones can either go too high or too low. These hormone fluctuations are fine and don’t do too much damage if the high or low is short lived. However, when a too high or too low hormone level is sustained over a long period of time a lot of internal damage can be done. Be aware of your stress levels and get your blood work done regularly, especially if you are suffering from chronic health issues.