Gerd aka Acid Reflux
Is the backup of food, acid, or liquid. Instead of going down into the stomach it climbs back up the esophagus. Chronic reflux can cause serious damage to the esophagus. If left untreated over a long period of time it can be a major contributor to cancers of the esophagus.
Peptic Ulcers
Peptic ulcers are basically sores on the inner lining of your stomach wall and probably the small intestine. Most common peptic ulcers are caused by the H. pylori bacteria. These ulcers can be induced by constant use of ibuprofen products used for pain relief and anti-inflammatory.
Mayo Clinic, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), By Mayo Clinic Staff, January 4, 2023
Last viewed: 20231002
Northwestern Medicine, GERD Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore, November, 2019
Last viewed: 20231002
Cleveland Clinic, Acid Reflux & GERD, Medically reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional, September 28, 2023
Last viewed: 20231002